Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why Must I

It occurs to me that freedom is a most valuable treasure and one not easily earned. However, one particular freedom that I find myself constantly that most personal of freedoms...the freedom to be oneself.

There is nothing quite as valuable, as exhilerating, as supremely liberating as having the latitude to be yourself in every aspect. I can quote no scientific studies, yet there is absolute truth in the following: the overwhelming majority of us go through life each day conforming and assimilating to imposed norms [norms dictated by popular culture, by employers, by schools, by churches, by spouses, by significant others, by commercials, by family by friends, etc]. I know I fall prey to these imposed norms and probability is high that you do as well.

To be clear, I'm certainly not advocating anarchy, nor am I condoning slack behavior. Instead, I am merely supposing in the fantastical realm of my mind just how sublime it would be to just...

By nature, I tend to deny my most natural wants and desires to please those close to me...and even those not so close. But moving beyond this fact, if I take time to myself (something of a need for me), I am labeled a recluse or anti social. If I show compassion or concern for an employee, I am considered weak by peers. If I pierce my nose, I'm a freak. If I sport a tatoo, I am affixed with a variety of connotations, most of which aren't positive. If I sing in the halls, I am silly and/or unprofessional. Why must I be those things? Why can't I just be me?

My mom has shared many words of wisdom over the years. It seems the older I get, the sharper her perspectives become. I'll share this one. Every person is (you guessed it) a person. Profound? Deep? Not so much. Wisdom enriched? Beyond question. Simply said, every one of us deserves, at a minimum, consideration and respect for simply being a person. Stated differently, if Jack is allowed to enjoy his favorite show, why shouldn't Jill be afforded the same consideration? We should be careful not to ask others to conform to our norms. You are you...already. Why must I be?

1 comment:

  1. "you are you...already. why must i be?"

    beautiful. thank you.
